3 Reasons Why Updating Your Family Photos Every Year is Essential | Denver Family Photographer

It’s always amazing just how time truly does fly by…

It’s amazing to watch the many families I’ve photographed over the years grow, change, get older, graduate, get married, and more. While it’s fun to look through photos to see how your loved ones grow and change over the years, the sad truth is that photos are our forever memories when loved ones pass away as well.

That's why it's so important to update your family photos regularly, ideally every year.

Here are the top reasons why updating your family photos are essential.

3 Reasons Why Updating Your Family Photos Every Year is Essential

1) Documenting Growth & Changes

One of the primary reasons to update your family photos is to document the growth and changes that occur within your family. Each year, your family will change in some way, whether it's a new addition, a child starting school, or a family member moving away. But photos capture moments in time! By updating your family photos regularly, you'll be able to always look back on your photos and see how much your family has grown and changed over time.

2) Capturing Personality & Quirks

This is one of my favorites. Family photos are not just pictures, but they capture the memories of personalities and quirks through growing up and growing together. Even the families I work with who I see every year, I always strive to make their photo session different than the last. Not just so all the photos don’t look the same, but to truly capture who they are that year, what they love to do together, and how their love continues to grow and change over the years. There’s SO MUCH you can capture in family photos — it’s so much more than just a pretty picture with everyone smiling and looking at the camera. It’s the inside jokes and laughter, it’s the hobbies and fun you have together, and your joy and love as you’re together — and yes, even the grumpy faces that happen too! It’s what makes your family YOUR FAMILY!

3) Remembering Special Events & Memories

And of course, capturing the celebrations and special events that happen along the way! From birthdays, to holidays, to family vacations, to special awards — all are worth celebrating and of course documenting. Each photo represents a special moment in time that allow you to look back at your memories and keep them forever. Plus, these events are usually a great reason to get updated family photos of everyone since most of your family tends to travel to all be together. So take advantage of it and snag the updated photos while you can! You’ll be glad you did.

Your family photos are an investment, but one you’ll be glad you made. It can be harder to remember the little things, the quirks, the simple joys, the hobbies and adventures you went on, unless you have photos you can look back on and remember.

If there’s one thing I know, I know that looking back through photos and remembering times, people, loved-ones, funny and sweet memories will always and forever bring a smile to your face.

So, take the time to gather your family together, hire a photographer, or at least break out your camera and capture the essence of your family in a photo.

You will be glad you did.


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